Friday, November 12, 2010


If I was told that I could save only one book for future generations, it would not be an easy choice. Some would call this a terrible and unorthodox choice, but I would choose not to save any book at all. This is why: In the Book of Eli, we saw the terrible power the bible holds. It is revered as a holy book and many people base their lives off of it. If only one book from the past were to survive, eventually the same thing would happen with this book. People would realize that this book is their only insight into the world before, and would subsequently try to find meaning and purpose within its pages. Different interpretations of the book would arise, and eventually wars would be fought over it, as we have seen happen before. There is no one book we have that could even come close to capturing our culture and history as human beings. Any one book that someone would save would only offer future generations a skewed version of past reality. I think, if it ever came down to this, it would be better for everyone just to start over.


When I was a kid, I always went trick or treating. I would go out with a pillowcase and keep at it until the people in their houses refused to give out any more candy. Of course, I would never eat half of the candy I got, but it was the principle of the matter: that I got more than my sister. Some years, I would go all out on my costume, like the year I was Darth Maul, and I painted my face and made a cool robe. Other years, I got kind of lazy, and threw it all together at the last minute, like this year, when all I did was put on a suit and some weird goggles. I always liked the chocolate better than the sweet candies; all my chocolate bars would quickly disappear while my starburst and skittles sat around for months (sometimes years). All in all, I always manage to have a good time on Haloween.

Changes at WSU

If I could change one thing at WSU, it would be the parking. If you get here anytime after like 11 there are no parking spots anywhere bu lot 4. It is impossible to park close to your class and subsequently it always makes you late. The one thing that really bugs me is that all of the staff parking spaces are closer to the doors, and there are more of them too. It's not really that big of a deal, it's just annoying.