Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Power of Ads

Advertisements have tremendous power over the millions of people who are exposed to them daily. Many people do not realize that the catchy theme songs, hot supermodels, and memorable slogans really do influence their decision to buy a product. It is easy enough to tune these ads out as you walk down the street or turn down the volume and ignore the commercials, but you can never totally get away from them. Even if you just glance at an ad, or read one and think, "Wow, this ad is stupid," you still gave the ad half a moment's notice, and that's what the advertisers want. That's all it takes to get an ad stuck in your head, and once it's there, there's no getting rid of it. Be it through sex appeal, sleek logos, or just big words and bright colors, advertisers are constantly coming up with new ways to make their ads more memorable. One interesting advertising method is humor. Have no doubt that people will always remember a commercial that made them laugh, and by default they will remember what the commercial was advertising, and be more inclined to buy it. Needless to say, there is no power like the power of advertising.

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